150 years of industrial history

The Klybeck property originated over 150 years ago as a production location outside the city for numerous dyeing mills and over the course of time developed into Basel’s prominent chemical and pharmaceutical industry. As the city enlarged and grew beyond its earlier borders, the closed factory grounds acted as a barricade between the Rhine and the Wiese, separating parts of Kleinbasel from one another.

Copyright by Firmenarchiv Novartis

Copyright by Novartis

The klybeckplus project, launched just a few years ago by the canton of Basel-Stadt together with private businesses, brought a happy end to the outdated building ground exemption for this part of the city, freeing up space to develop a new and attractive urban quarter for all Basel residents to enjoy.

Between Rhine and Wiese,
near harbour and Stadtpark

The 160,000 m2 former Novartis property, today owned by Rhystadt, holds more than 40 buildings and comprises six different, partly adjacent lots, each with its own character and particular advantages.

The two sections located directly on the banks of the Rhine, for example, are outstanding candidates for future residential and commercial zones. Here, completely new urban living environments with modern residential buildings, workplaces and traffic infrastructure will be created alongside existing structures that radiate their own unique industrial charm.
